Interface Request<T>

A request for a value (or error) to be returned asynchronously.

A request is like the inverse of a Promise: instead of waiting for it to settle, you settle it by passing it to resolve() or reject(). Like a promise, it can only be settled once: resolving or rejecting it after it's already resolved or rejected has no effect.

Settling a request will cause the requesting job (or other code) to resume immediately, running up to its next suspension or termination. (Unless it's settled while the requesting job is already on the call stack, in which case the job will be resumed later.)

(Note: do not call a Request directly, unless you want your code to maybe break in future. Use resolve or reject (or resolver() or rejecter()), as 1) they'll shield you from future changes to this protocol and 2) they have better type checking anyway.)

interface Request<T> {
    (op: "next", val: T, err?: any): void;
    (op: "throw", val: null, err: any): void;
    (op: "next" | "throw", val?: T, err?: any): void;

Type Parameters

  • T
  • Parameters

    • op: "next"
    • val: T
    • Optional err: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • op: "throw"
    • val: null
    • err: any

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • op: "next" | "throw"
    • Optional val: T
    • Optional err: any

    Returns void