• Helper for creating hybrid legacy/TC39 decorator/wrapper functions, e.g.:

    // As wrapper function
    export function myDecorator<T>(fn: SomeFnType<T>): SomeFnType<T>;

    // TC39 decorator
    export function myDecorator<T>(fn: SomeFnType<T>, ctx: {kind: "method"}): SomeFnType<T>

    // "Legacy"/"TypeScript Experimental" Decorator
    export function myDecorator<T,D extends {value?: SomeFnType<T>}>(clsOrProto:any, name: string|symbol, desc: D): D

    // Implementation
    export function myDecorator<T>(factory: SomeFnType<T>, ...args: any[]): SomeFnType<T> {
    // extra args means we're being used as a decorator, so run as decorator:
    if (args.length) return decorateMethod(myDecorator, factory, ...args as [any, any]);
    // No extra args, we're b
    return () => {

    Yes, this is fairly ugly, but it's also the only way to make this work when the wrapper is a generic function. (TypeScript's type system doesn't allow generic values, declaring functions as implementing interfaces, higher-order kinds, or any other tricks that would let you avoid this giant ball of boilerplate for generic decorators.)

    Type Parameters


    • decorate: ((fn: F) => F)
        • (fn: F): F
        • Parameters

          • fn: F

          Returns F

    • fn: F
    • _ctxOrName: string | symbol | {
          kind: "method";
    • Optional desc: D

    Returns F | D