• Start a nested job within the currently-active job. (Shorthand for calling .start(...) on the active job.)

    This function can be called with zero, one, or two arguments:

    • When called with zero arguments, the new job is returned without any other initialization.

    • When called with one argument that's a function (either a SyncStart or AsyncStart): the function is run inside the new job and receives it as an argument. It can return a Yielding iterator (such as a generator or job), a promise, or void. A returned iterator or promise will be treated as if the method was called with that to begin with; a returned job will be awaited and its result transferred to the new job asynchronously. A returned function will be added to the job via must().

    • When called with one argument that's a Yielding iterator (such as a generator or an existing job): it's attached to the new job and executed asynchronously. (Starting in the next available microtask.)

    • When called with one argument that's a Promise, it's converted to a job that will end when the promise settles. The resulting job is returned.

    • When called with two arguments -- a "this" object and a function -- it works the same as one argument that's a function, except the function is bound to the supplied "this" before being called.

      This last signature is needed because you can't make generator arrows in JS yet: if you want to start() a generator function bound to the current this, you'll want to use .start(this, function*() { ...whatever }).

      (Note, however, that TypeScript and/or VSCode may require that you give such a function an explicit this parameter (e.g. .start(this, function *(this) {...}));) in order to correctly infer types inside a generator function.)

    In any of the above cases, if a supplied function throws an error while starting, the new job will be ended, and the error synchronously re-thrown.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    Returns Job<T>

    the created Job

  • The two-argument variant of start() allows you to pass a "this" object that will be bound to the initialization function. (It's mostly useful for generator functions, since generator arrows aren't a thing yet.)

    Type Parameters

    • T
    • This


    Returns Job<T>