• Arrange for the current signal or rule to recalculate on demand

    This lets you interop with systems that have a way to query a value and subscribe to changes to it, but not directly produce a signal. (Such as querying the DOM state and using a MutationObserver.)

    By calling this with a Source or RecalcSource, you arrange for it to be subscribed, if and when the call occurs in a rule or a cached function that's in use by a rule (directly or indirectly). When the source emits a value, the signal machinery will invalidate the caching of the function or rule, forcing a recalculation and subsequent rule reruns, if applicable.

    Note: you should generally only call the 1-argument version of this function with "static" sources - i.e. ones that won't change on every call. Otherwise, you will end up creating new signals each time, subscribing and unsubscribing on every call to recalcWhen().

    If the source needs to reference some object, it's best to use the 2-argument version (i.e. recalcWhen(someObj, factory), where factory is a function that takes someObj and returns a suitable RecalcSource.)


    Returns void


    recalcWhen is specifically designed so that using it does not pull in any part of Uneventful's signals framework, in the event a program doesn't already use it. This means you can use it in library code to provide signal compatibility, without adding bundle bloat to code that doesn't use signals.

  • Two-argument variant of recalcWhen

    In certain circumstances, you may wish to use recalcWhen with a source related to some object. You could call recalcWhen with a closure, but that would create and discard signals on every call. So this 2-argument version lets you avoid that by allowing the use of an arbitrary object as a key, along with a factory function to turn the key into a RecalcSource.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends object


    • key: T

      an object to be used as a key

    • factory: ((key: T) => RecalcSource)

      a function that will be called with the key to obtain a RecalcSource. (Note that this factory function must also be a static function, not a closure, or the same memory thrash issue will occur!)

    Returns void